Hardship Fund
Our Scout Group believe in Scouting for All. We have a Hardship Fund to help those who may need a little additional finanacial support with our activities. Information on the Hardship Fund and the application form can be found below.
1st Taunton Wilton Scout Group is committed to providing opportunities for all young people to
engage with scouting in accordance with the policies of the Scout Association, including the
Association’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
To this end we provide a Hardship Fund, which is administered in accordance with the guidelines
set out below:
Limited to youth members under the age of 18 years
Grants are available for termly membership subscriptions
Grants are available for events and camps
Grants are available to support purchase of uniforms
Grants are available for any other purpose considered worthy of support by the Group
Scout Leader, benefitting a youth member Limits:
Per Event: Maximum grants of £150 per individual.
Per Calendar Year: £250 per individual. Requests over and above this value will be considered on
a case-by-case basis.
Requests that exceed £150 will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must have external
Applicants must provide evidence of financial hardship for beneficiaries. No information is ever
shared, and all applications are treated in full confidence. Those in receipt of one of the following are eligible to apply. [From “Grants from UK Headquarters” 2022].
Free school meals (not applicable to Beavers)
Income Support
Income- based Jobseekers allowance
An income- related employment and support allowance
Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190 as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.
Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit
Housing Benefit
The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit.
Application Process:
Applications must be made before the event/camp takes place by completing the application form found below giving details of the financial assistance required, the amount or percentage they can afford of the camp or trip and evidence of financial hardship as per the list above.
The Hardship Fund Administrator will then discuss with one of the Group Management Team
(which consists of the Group Chair, Group Treasurer, Group Secretary and Group Scout Leader).
As well as meeting the criteria above other factors will be taken into account such as attendance
and good attitude to scouting. Once a decision is made the applicant will be informed of how
much the group can award.
A record of each successful award shall be kept on file but shall only be shared with the Group
Chair, Group Treasurer, Group Secretary and Group Scout Leader. The Executive Committee will
only be told the total figure awarded during that financial year and if this exceeds the amount in
the approved budget then can determine to increase the amount available in the fund or put on
hold all applications for the remainder of that financial year.
The Group understands the sensitive nature of these matters and will treat all applications with
the utmost confidentiality.