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After going through the Squirrel, Beaver and Cub sections of the Scout Group, young people will join the Scout Troop. They are often aged between 10 and a half and 14. They continue to build on their skills which they have developed in Beavers and Cubs. Scouts aims to develop young people’s confidence and provide them with a sense of adventure and outdoor skills.


Scouts is when young people are offered the chance to become more independent, and are able to put the skills which they have developed into practice on camps and occasionally International trips. Scouts are encouraged to work together in a team and take lead roles in all sorts of projects.


They will begin to help plan the activities that they do at weekly meetings, which will all be part of programme which includes a wide range of activities including traditional Scouting skills, like camping, survival and cooking, as well as a spectrum of adventurous activities, from abseiling to zorbing.


After young people have reached the end of their time at Scouts, they are able to move on to join the Dragon Explorer Scout Unit.

Are you aged between 10½ and 14 and want to join?


Please click here to join the waiting list.

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